Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Conclusion by Nick Daverio

I thought this class had some interesting topics that we covered throughout the semester. I feel after taking this class that I gained some different aspects about sport and gender and everything involved about sport. I have never done a blog before and especially have never done one for a class. I found the blog to be helpful throughout the semester. As the process went on I found it hard to keep up with the blog at times along with doing the discussion board every week also. I believe that a centralized blog where everyone posts will be much easier for everyone.

After taking this class I have noticed more about the differences between men's and women's sports and am able to distinguish the differences fairly easy now. I also have more respect for women's sports after taking this class and realizing how unequal they are compared to men's sports especially when sometimes they are better. As for the presentations, I am glad that our group went 1st and was able to get it done right away instead of procrastinating and I felt that we did a good job for being the first ones to go. I also felt that we kind of helped other groups in a sense of what they need to do for there presentations. After seeing all the presentations, I feel that everyone did a very good job and picked very interesting topics related to sport and gender. Lastly, I feel that once the blog situation is figured out that future classes will enjoy the class and also enjoy doing the blogs. 

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